Hope for all in the Heart of Maize
Thank you for visiting the website of Maize United Methodist Church. We are located in the heart of Maize, KS at 208 E. Academy. We love each other and our community! Our Worship Services are every Sunday at 10:30 am on our Facebook Page and in person. We also offer ways for people of all ages to grow and discover their faith throughout the year as well as fun events for all ages! We hope to see you soon!
Upcoming Events
Wednesdays - see schedule below for details.
Young Adult group Sunday, March 30th, immediately following worship.
Come for a meal, fellowship, and study. “Young” is a state of mind, so you get to decide for yourself if you fit in this group.Administrative Council Sunday, April 6th, immediately following worship. Open meeting.
Friends of Faith (women’s group) Thursday, April 17th, 10:30 am.
Good Friday service Friday, April 18th, 7:00 pm.
Easter egg hunt Sunday, April 20th, immediately following worship.
Vacation Bible Camp Monday-Friday, June 2nd-6th from 9am–noon.
Our Worship Services are in person and on Facebook Live 10:30–11:30 am. We serve Communion the first Sunday of each month. We offer a Children’s Worship experience during each Worship Service! All are welcome to join us!
Our School Year Wednesday activities are as follows (Wednesday programs run during the Maize School year.)
3:45 pm–5:30 pm C4C (Campers for Christ, K-5th Grade) and Children’s Choir
5:30 pm–6:15 pm Snack Supper in the Gym
6:15 pm–7:00 pm Youth Group
6:15 pm–7:00 pm Adult Bible Study in Higher Grounds
7:00 pm–8:00 pm Choir Practice in the Sanctuary
Operation Christmas Child - All Year
Providing shoeboxes for Operation Christion Child has been a mission of Maize UMC for many years. This year instead of collecting everything in October and November, the team will be providing a different shopping list each month. If you are able to buy something from the list, please bring it to the box in the foyer. Every gift is appreciated!
Shopping list for March
March - donations accepted for combs, brushes, and band-aids